CBD for Dogs – What it is and Where to Buy

In recent years, CBD has been gaining popularity as a natural remedy for humans. But did you know that the same products can be used to benefit your canine companion? CBDNorth is here to provide some clarity on what exactly CBD is and where you can purchase quality pet products for your pup. 

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its psychoactive counterpart, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which makes users feel ‘high’, CBD does not cause a high. Instead, it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system – a network of receptors found throughout the body responsible for maintaining homeostasis in vital functions such as sleep and digestion. As a result, its therapeutic benefits can range from anxiety relief to improved gut health. 

Where can you buy it? 

The best place to buy high-quality hemp-derived CBD products specifically designed for pet consumption is online from an authorised retailer such as CBDNorth. Their selection of vegan dog treats are made with human-grade ingredients sourced from US-grown organic hemp plants that are free of harsh chemicals or artificial additives, making them safe and effective alternatives to other traditional remedies. Plus, all orders come with free shipping!  

Types of products available 

When shopping for CBD dog treats online at sites like CBDNorth, three different types are usually available: chews, oils and tinctures. Chews are typically bite-sized snacks made with healthy ingredients like sweet potato and coconut oil in addition to active hemp extract, while oils tend to be liquid drops that contain both flavourings and cannabinoids to make them more palatable for pups who don’t necessarily enjoy eating their medicine directly off a spoon or through treats. Finally, tinctures are concentrated solutions that usually need to be mixed into food or drink before oral administration, as they contain no flavourings at all.  

Dosage guidelines 

Before giving your pet any type of supplement or medication – including those containing hemp extracts – it’s important to consult with your vet to determine an appropriate dosage based on factors such as age, size and weight. In general, however, most vets will recommend starting small (1-2 mg per 10 lbs) when introducing new products so as not to overwhelm their systems all at once, giving you time to assess how they are responding before increasing the amount as needed until the desired results are achieved over time through regular use, if possible, depending on the severity of the symptoms being treated etc.  

Considerations when buying online 

Just like buying anything else online, it’s always wise practice to do some research beforehand to ensure the product meets certain standards when it comes to quality control measures such as testing protocols used by third party labs to validate cannabinoid content among other things before making the final decision whether or not to purchase item(s). This includes double-checking supplier credentials, verifying authenticity along with confirming terms and conditions surrounding refund policies should something go wrong in transit, etc.   


Thanks to advances made within the field of research regarding potential therapeutic applications associated with cannabidiol (CBD), pet owners now have access to a wide range of high quality options available ranging from chews to tinctures tailored to meet specific needs of their four-legged friends alike regardless of severity of symptoms to be alleviated through regular use provided proper precautions are taken first dosing guidelines are followed closely monitored under the supervision of a licensed professional veterinarian whenever necessary course when using any type of supplement herbal medicine.